FOMO for moms

Moms think of everything. The typical mom brain runs a mile a minute, even while they’re busy managing their kids, running errands or physically performing a task. And when their minds finally get the chance to quiet down thoughts are filled with guilt or fear. The fear of missing out is a typical sentiment most moms feel. 

Moms are feverishly trying to capture memories of moments. Whether it’s through their phone cameras, booking photographers for events or the daily search for children’s activities to aid in their development.

In most of my conversations with other moms of young children it is rare to have moments for themselves. But when they do they sometimes wonder about the career or passions they paused in pursuing to raise their children. 

The fear of missing out is based on the premise that later in life they’ll have wished they captured more memories, or that they started their kids into that sport/instrument/skill so that they could have more time to develop it, or even that they kept in tune with their own careers so that later their family might benefit from that little bit of extra financial support.

FOMO for moms is always stemmed from what their future selves may be thinking.

But what if there is no future on the horizon?

Would we stop thinking about the next stage or the next phase?

Would we start to savour these moments – even when filled with chaos – knowing we may not have these days later?

A mom I know is in her last stages of fighting cancer. And to put it mildly, it is utterly devastating.

I think about the challenging journey she had trying to conceive. The hardship her family experienced locating to provide her family with a better life. And the last couple years of discovering this silent killer would be depriving her kids of their mom.

It f&k!ng sucks.

So I’m here to remind you that yes, the days can be long. And yes, those trials and challenges can be difficult. But it is truly a luxury to live in these moments and to continue having them is the greatest blessing we can have. 

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